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Wet Basement?

Facts About A Wet Basement

Wet Basements / Basement Waterproofing


When your basement was built, drainage tile was placed outside of your foundation at the base of the footer. This tile was designed to carry all surface water to a drain or sump pump which ever the builder decided or city code would allow. Drainage tile was also (in most cases) placed on the inside of the footer and tied into the outside tile. This drainage tile was designed to catch any water under the floor. When this process was completed it worked fine, but as time moved on these tile on the outside began to fill up with dirt and roots and plugged up. The drainage tile are no longer draining your surface water and therefore the water just sits around your foundation, in time the water finds its way into your basement. If you have a block foundation the water will sit in the hollow cores of the block. If you have this problem you will see a discoloration at first and black looking mold & mildew will follow. This process usually will start in the corners first. Poured foundations have no cores therefore the water will seep in where the wall & floor meet. By this time the coating that was put on the outside of your foundation at the time of original construction is no longer working and in most cases has completely worn off.


Helpful Hints

You have several options to correct this problem. First off, make sure your downspouts are working correctly. Make sure the water coming out of your downspouts is flowing away from your house and not straight down the side of your foundation. You can add a extension to your present downspouts if this is not already done. These extensions can be purchased at your local hardware or lumber company. Make sure the grading around the house is built up and the surface water is not flowing towards your house. If you have already completed the above, then it is time to consider calling a professional waterproofing company.

Contractors & Companies: Your choices are: Home Improvement, Roofer’s, Handyman, Sewer & Drain Cleaners & Basement Waterproofing companies. I suggest getting estimates from at least 3 companies and reviewing all the facts. Do-Not Sign a Agreement with a company before you have all the facts and estimates in. Beware of anyone making you believe you can only get this savings now and this price will not be good later. Believe me, the price will be good when you call them back within a reasonable time. I would recommend a company that does Basement Waterproofing as a main business rather than a business that just does it as a side line and will subcontract your work out. Beware of companies that sell un-necessary work just to drive the price of your job up. Make sure the contractor or company is licensed and insured, this is very important. Try to select a company that has been around for several years. Most of all, select a local company, this way the company can service your waterproofing should you have a problem later down the road.

Waterproofing Systems: There are: Outside Systems, Inside Systems, Below the Floor Systems, Above the Floor Systems, Coatings System & Cleaning of Foundation Tile.

Outside System: This process is a good way to stop the water from getting into your basement, but this process does have many draw backs.

Procedure: This process is considered the best process but the most expensive and destructive way of waterproofing a basement. In order to waterproof a basement from the outside, the entire foundation must be excavated all the way down to the footer, anything less, is just wasting your money. Note: Do-Not let anyone talk you into anything less than all the way down to the footer, make sure you are 100% sure on the depth. Once the foundation is excavated you are now ready to start waterproofing the basement. Stone is then placed just below the footer and new drainage tile is put in and tied to a drain or sump pump inside the basement. The foundation is then coated properly and additional stone is added almost to grade. All soil is hauled away. This process will generally take about a week depending on the size of your basement & contractor.

Warranty: This process carries the shortest warranty than any other system because of the outside elements, 5 to 10 years depending on the contractor.

Drawbacks: Over the years, porches, additions, driveways and landscaping have been added to the house. This will prevent you from doing the complete basement and therefore outside waterproofing should not be considered if these condition exist. The cost of putting landscaping, driveway and etc. cost more than the actual waterproofing job, not to mention the mess.

Inside Waterproofing: DrainTile System

Below the Floor: This process is a very good method of waterproofing a basement if the following problems exist; water coming through the walls and coming up through the floor. This system handles both problems, foundation water & floor water. This process has been the most widely used system over the past 50 years. In the 90's new technology has come a long way and this process is not always needed.

Procedure: The first step is to remove a portion of your basement floor with jack hammers all around the inside perimeter of the basement in order to install stone and draintile under the floor. The draintile is then tied into a floor drain or sump pump. Then 3/4" weep holes are drilled in every hollow port of the block, this allows any water in the foundation to drain out and into your draintile. Once the above is finished then the concrete that was removed is replaced with new concrete. This process takes 2 to 4 days depending on the size of the basement & contractor.

Warranty: This process carries a Lifetime Warranty in most cases depending on the contractor you select.

Drawbacks: This system is not always needed if draintile is already present, the draintile is already draining the floor water, your draintile may need to be cleaned by a Rooter Pro company. Anytime jack hammers are used in the basement to break up your floor the risk of foundation problems could occur. The mess of this process is also very dusty which gets everywhere in the house. The contractor as a rule does the best he can by trying to control the dust.

Inside Waterproofing: Interior Channel System

Above the Floor: This process is a very good method of waterproofing a basement if inside foundation tile already exists and a good solid basement floor is present.

Procedure: The first step is to drill 3/4" weep holes in every hollow port of the block. Secondly, the floor is prepared by scarifying the floor and making a good solid surface to mount the Interior Channel system. Third: The floor is scrubbed and cleaned spotless from any residue of concrete. Fourth: The Interior Channel system is measured to size and mounted to the floor with a two part epoxy. The Interior Channel system is tied to a drain or sump pump. The Interior Channel system is mounted to the floor only, the system will not be affected by foundation movement like concrete channel systems. This process takes 1 to 2 days depending on the size of the basement.

Warranty: This process carries a Lifetime Warranty in most cases.

Drawbacks: This process is good only for wall problems and can not be used when water is coming up through the floor. Draintile trunk lines must be added for this process to work when floor water is present.

Inside Waterproofing Systems:Inside basement waterproofing systems work great and the results are the same, you get a Dry Basement. The inside basement waterproofing systems are actually a water controlled system. When inside waterproofing is being performed, outside systems are not necessary other than downspout extensions.

Coatings: These types of waterproofing methods are only temporary solutions, I have never seen to date any product that is painted on a foundation that will hold water back. This method is fine for a decorative look only.

Warranty: Coatings usually are not warranted.

Drawbacks: In due time the coating will crack and start falling off the foundation if it is of masonry type. Paints will slowly start staining and mold and mildew may form.

Cleaning of Inside Foundation Tile: This is a hit miss situation and probably will not dry up 1 out of 100 basements. Cleaning the foundation tile should be done every few years to maintain the tile drainage and control water underneath your floor. Cleaning of Inside Foundation Tile alone will not waterproof a basement.

Can I Waterproof My Basement From The Inside If I Have Paneling?: Yes, depending on what type of system is being installed. Your paneling may have to be cut at the bottom in order to install the waterproofing system.

Can I Carpet My Basement After Having It Waterproofed?: Yes, We recommend that you wait for a few heavy rains before you install your new carpet to make sure that your new system is working properly. Any problems with your waterproofing system will show up the first time you have a heavy rain. The best type of carpet to use in your basement is a commercial type. This carpet wears great, can be cleaned and can withstand getting wet much better than a high piled carpet. Never use rubber back carpet on a basement floor. Remember, even though you had your basement waterproofed you still run the risk of water getting into your basement.

Can I Panel My Basement?: Yes, If all possible try and have your contractor leave the waterproofing system accessible when he is paneling the basement. Should you have a problem at some point the Waterproofing company will need to get to the waterproofing system in order to repair it.

Can My Basement Still Get Wet After Basement Waterproofing?: Yes, see basement waterproofing drainage.

Can I Paint My Basement Walls ? : Yes, the best paint to use is a water base paint rather than a waterproofing paint because latex paints will last longer and allow the foundation to breath.

Will My Basement Still Smell Musty ? : No ! Generally musty smells comes from deterioration of products in your basement such paneling, drywall and carpet, once they are removed the musty smell will go away.

Can I Stop Using My Dehumidifier?: No! All basements have moisture, waterproofed or not. The reason being is air temperature, the air is much cooler in the basement than any other place. It is recommended to run your dehumidifier if you want a 100% dry basement.

Basement Waterproofing Drainage:

Remember that the best basement waterproofing system is only as good as the drainage point it is tied into. Do-not believe that because you had your basement waterproofed that all of your responsibility is over. The truth is; that the drainage point to which your system is tied into must be properly working in order for your waterproofing system to work. This means if your waterproofing system is tied to your floor drain you should have your floor drain cleaned at least every 3 years, otherwise it may stop draining and your waterproofing system will also stop. Your basement could flood, this is considered a sewer backup and is not covered under your basement waterproofing warranty regardless of the company who installed your system.

Facts about Interior Channel, Inc.

Over the years Interior Channel has expanded its services to a full service company. What exactly is a full service company? A company that covers all facets that are needed to complete a specialized field such as basement waterproofing. Interior Channel does all forms of basement waterproofing as well as Full Service Sewer & Drain cleaning. We have several waterproofing systems for all types of problems, all sorts of outside solutions as well as inside. Interior Channel is the only Full Service Company in our area, there is no other company that can compare to Interior Channel. We are locally owned and operated. Interior Channel has added all sorts of systems and products as technology advances. I do-not believe that one system will fix all problems. So, get all the facts before you choose your company to waterproof your basement,

Unless you have a pot of gold to give away >>.

It could cost you Hundreds and even Thousands of Dollars by selecting the wrong company.

Best Price Policy: Interior Channel has offered this program for the last 32 years.

Interior Channel will give you $100.00 Cash in your pocket if we are not your best deal.

"You know, we have never given our first $100.00 away in 32 years."

Facts: Interior Channel has been in business for 32 years locally owned and operated by the same founder who started it in 1978. This means no costly franchise fees to drive the prices up. All our work is warranted, Interior Channel offers 100% Financing. Give us a call.....and one of our consultants will come to your home and determine the best method for your problem.


  • Interior Channel is licensed and insured in three states, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana. We are members of the Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, and Point Place Business Association.
  • Our Interior Channel Systems are in Banks, Churches, Businesses, Zoos and thousands of residential homes all over Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana.
  • The world is changing. The basement waterproofing industry is no exception. Interior Channel is leading the way, with innovations, new ideas, and with effectively implementing good old ideas. In the coming years we will disrupt the basement waterproofing market to the degree that you either lead, change with it to keep up, or struggle and go out of business. There is no other options.
  • Interior Channel is re-defining what a residential waterproofing contractor is to a homeowner. The days of pressuring people or overselling them is coming to a close.
  • In 1996 we again made strides forward in our quest. We made a fundamental decision regarding diversification in all of our basement waterproofing systems. Our customers will gain as well as Interior Channel from all of our efforts. We literally “wrote the book” on basement waterproofing.
  • Most importantly, we feel we have more work than ever to accomplish. We have generated more ideas than we can implement and the backlog of new ideas is growing. Interior Channel will continue to spew forth more improvement in all areas in the coming years to make it even easier for the consumer, which is you = to buy from us, and increase the distance between us and our competitors.

In closing, I hope this information will help you in making a wise choice on a contractor that waterproofs your basement. Remember, if Interior Channel is not your contractor, that’s alright. I still hope you will keep us in mind when you need a slow running drain cleaned or your sewer backup. Look for us at RooterProPlus.com.

Interior Channel suggests you check out your contractor at BBB.Com before doing business.

If you have any question please feel free to call me at 726-9331 or 1-800-589-6662.


Anthony P. Wolf


Interior Channel

4924 N. Summit St Toledo, Ohio 43611


Please just give us a call: (419) 726-9331 or 1-800-589-6662


Best Price Policy Interior Channel Toledo, Oh Basement Waterproofing